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What does it mean to know God? What does a relationship with Him even look like? Please watch this video as Pastor Mary Ellen clearly explains how to receive everything you've been searching forth rough a relationship with your creator.

What Now?

Do you know you can be an online member of Kingdom Life Church? You can join our family of God by completing the brief questionnaire and one of our Elders will contact you! An online member is more than a person on our mailing list or one who occasionally tunes into our broadcasts and/or services via the Internet.
An online member is a person who:
1.Has accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
2. Has found their fit and has identified Kingdom Life Church as their homechurch.
3. Primarily accesses the ministries of the church online.
Like other members, these online members will receive the love and care of Kingdom Life Church. Then, just as other church members, they are expected to attend online, pray for the church,participate in some of the church’s ministries, as well as, give financial support.Online membership is not designed to be a short-cut to traditional church membership or to be a means of accepting services without responsibility. Rather, it is another option for those who maybe hindered by disability, work, or distance, and any number of reasons that prevent someone from physically attending the church.
Online membership is not designed to be a short-cut to traditional church membership or to be a means of accepting services without responsibility. Rather, it is another option for those who may be hindered by distance, disability, work or you just fit, and any number of good reasons, from physically attending the church.

We welcome you and are here to serve you. Join us! 
If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. Romans 10:9
Here are four things to help you grow in this relationship and make it real. 
R Read – Be sure to read your Bible everyday. Start in the book of John. 
E Encounter – You can encounter God everyday through prayer.
A Attend – Attend and get plugged-in to a local bible-teaching church, Kingdom Life Church!
L Let – Let others know what it is God has done in your life.
There are several ways you can STAY connected:
Start with giving to support your church. This includes your time, talent and treasure
Tune in to every online teaching and preaching series. Teach others what you are taught
Always pray, for your relationship to grow with your Christ, your family and your church
Yield to the prompting of the Holy Spirit. He will lead and guide you into all truth of God’s word 

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Kingdom Life Church worship experiences are live online every week, with people from all over tuning in as part of our Church Online family. Send us an email or a direct messenger on Facebook messenger. We will have live chat hosts contact you, ready to welcome you, and answer any questions you may have!  To watch us just make your way to Youtube Channel or Facebook page on any desktop or mobile device. Also, if you host watch party or a weekly gathering to watch Kingdom Life Church online, we'd love to know about it! Have a testimony we want to hear about that too! Email us at
Join us on the Kingdom Connection Prayer Line:
Every Thursday at 7:00AM EST for 7minutes of prayer
Every Wednesday at 12:00PM EST for Noon day Prayer
Dial: 605-313-4818 Access Code: 688870#


Give Online: donate, sow a seed, your tithe & offering using
Mailing address: PO Box 32096,
Columbus, OH 43232

Church address: 4242 Macsway Ave.
Columbus, OH 43232

(614) 864-6740

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